Linode前段时间被Akamai(阿卡迈科技)收购了,前几天发了公告,从2023年4月1日起,共享(VPS)和专用计算套餐的价格会上涨20%,额外IP的价格也会涨价到2美元/月,但是Linode Nanode套餐不涨价,依然是月付5美元。
Akamai Linode宣布从2023年4月1日起调整产品价格,包括VPS服务器价格和额外IPv4地址价格的调整,整理如下:
- 共享(VPS)和专用计算套餐的价格会上涨20%,但Linode Nanode套餐不涨价,依然是月付5美元
- 额外IPv4 IP将从每月1美元增加到2美元,IPv6仍然免费
- 出口流量超额价格从每GB 0.01美元减少到0.005美元(每月最多1PB)
以下是Linode官方通知原文(Upcoming price changes to Linode services):
As we expand our cloud product portfolio and work to improve the resiliency and reach of our network, we face the same challenges as many of our customers: a tough financial climate with growing costs for data center space, energy usage, and newer hardware. We have resisted making changes to our offerings for as long as possible, and we understand this may not be the news you wish to hear from us, but we are announcing price changes for certain compute services effective April 1, 2023.
On April 1st, you will see the following changes to our pricing model:
- Shared and Dedicated CPU plan prices will increase by 20%*.
- The price of additional IPv4 addresses beyond 1 will increase from $1 to $2 each*, per month across all of our existing core data center locations.
- Transfer (egress) fees are being reduced from $0.01 to $0.005 per GB* up to 1PB per month across all of our existing core data center locations.
What’s not changing?
- The price of Nanodes (1GB Shared CPU plans).
- The price of NodeBalancers, Backups, Managed Databases, Linode Images, Block Storage, Object Storage, High Memory plans, GPU plans, and the High-Availability Control Planes on Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE) are exempt from price changes. All other cluster nodes deployed with LKE will be billed according to the new Shared or Dedicated CPU pricing.
- IPv6 addresses and pools will remain free.
*You will start accruing the new cost of these services on April 1st, and they will be reflected on the first invoice you receive after that date.
Despite these changes, we remain more aggressively priced than our peer providers, and with continued investment in our cloud computing services, customers can look forward to new and improved services on our roadmap:
- Network expansion, with existing and new data centers running on the Akamai backbone.
- New ISO, SOC 2, and HIPAA standards compliance.
- Capacity improvements across the board.
- New core and distributed sites as part of the Akamai Connected Cloud.
- Performance updates to cloud primitives like Object Storage.
- New services like VPC and Functions for serverless compute.
We believe this is the best way to build a bigger and better platform that enables your cloud computing success in the future, and we hope that you’ll stick with us through this period of growth and change.
Linode针对新用户还是有不少优惠码的,最高可获得100美元的赠金,Linode是VPS GO自己一直在用的一个商家,之前也分享过最新的Linode优惠码:
Linode是一家老牌云服务器商家,为了抢占用户也推出了便宜套餐(月付5美元的Nanode),并且一大优势就是按小时收费,不过Linode必须要用信用卡才能激活帐号,之后可以用PayPal付款:《Linode新增PayPal和Google Pay作为循环续费付款方式》。
- 搬瓦工CN2 GIA(国外高速VPS):《搬瓦工CN2 GIA-E:三网CN2 GIA+日本软银,最高10Gbps带宽》
- 腾讯云秒杀便宜国内云服务器:《最新腾讯云优惠活动、腾讯云代金券整理分享》
- 便宜美国VPS:《RackNerd优惠码、最新促销活动整理,年付不到10美元的便宜VPS》
- VPS云服务器推荐:《稳定靠谱的国内/国外便宜VPS云服务器商家整理与推荐》
- 虚拟主机网站空间推荐:《便宜虚拟主机/网站空间/美国主机/香港主机商家整理与推荐》
以及一些专题VPS推荐与整理:建站VPS推荐、CN2 GIA VPS推荐、香港VPS推荐、香港CN2 GIA VPS推荐、香港建站VPS推荐、美国VPS推荐、美国CN2 GIA VPS推荐、韩国VPS推荐、日本VPS推荐、俄罗斯VPS推荐。